Sunday, June 23, 2013

Chipotle First U.S. Chain Restaurant To Label GMOs

Via nationofchange:

Chipotle has officially announced that it will not only be labeling GMOs on the ingredients list of food products, but phasing out all GMOs on the menu.

From the Chipotle website:
“Our goal is to eliminate GMOs from Chipotle’s ingredients, and we’re working hard to meet this challenge…For example, we recently switched our fryers from soybean oil to sunflower oil. Soybean oil is almost always made from genetically modified soybeans, while there is no commercially available GMO sunflower oil. Where our food contains currently unavoidable GM ingredients, it is only in the form of corn or soy.”
Join the Monsanto Video Revolt! 
On July 24th (and even before then), we are calling for all concerned citizens, those who just want to eat real food that’s not polluted with GMOs, activists, and others to create and upload a video of any length telling Monsanto why you stand against their control of the food supply and mutation of crops worldwide. The Monsanto Video Revolt is a manifestation of resistance against the GMO juggernaut that is Monsanto and its attempt at genetically manipulating every piece of food on your dinner table.


Joe said...

I'm almost considering eating at chipotle again.

AGK said...

It is a massive corporation whose only concern is maximizing profits. However, the fact that maximizing profits now means going GMO-free proves two things: Consumers are waking up to GMOs and voting with your dollars works. I think it is worth patting a corporation on the back for having the gall to challenge the dominant paradigm. Also, its delicious...and somewhat affordable.