Saturday, May 18, 2013

Cloned Beef Brought To You By Rockefeller-Founded American Breeders Association

A well-researched piece from TruthStreamMedia, though certainly not a damning indictment.  I first dismissed this video as paranoid and reaching for conspiracies.  Until I caught this:

"Clones, produced without sexual reproduction, are exact genetic duplicates of another animal. Cloned cattle would be useful because they could be genetically manipulated to produce impressive amounts of milk or beef.
Cloning might also allow the insertion of genes that would cause a sheep or cow to produce drugs or other valuable substances in its milk."(emphasis added)

So here we have John D. Rockefeller and one of his descendants leading the charge on artificial insemination of livestock, pioneering animal cloning technology and founding the self-described global leader in bovine genetics.  Add to that a regulatory framework that has the FDA and others unsure if we have actually been consuming the results of these experiments.  Now recall Rockefeller involvement in the founding of the AMA and ADA, organizations which continue to advocate for the forced medication of the populace through water fluoridation.  The Bilderberg, Trilateral, and CFR connections also deserve a mention.


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