Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Historical Evidence

by TunaGhost
Why do people believe in conspiracy theories?.. ..The reason is as follows: those in power do not like company, and they will cheat and steal and generally break all manner of laws, and they will lie to you and everyone else while they do it. In recent US history, conspiracies were made, laws were broken, and hundreds of thousands have suffered.
Some have been successful, in the sense that no one was ever punished for the crimes committed. I plan to examine why some conspiracies are successful and, in doing so, reveal a pattern of successful conspiracies that can be used in the future to analyze a given situation for signs of the same.
First, a little history: back in 1915, Haiti had a government that wasn’t keen to play ball with the US, which saw this as evidence that Haiti did not know what was good for Haiti. In a sense this was true (although a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy), in that Marines were then sent to Haiti and thousands were killed. After disbanding the parliament at gunpoint, a new constitution was drafted. Under US supervision, naturally, so that it would be “beneficial to Haiti”, which Haitians apparently were unable to do before the Marines came. What followed was decades of abject misery under despotic rulers that catered to US financial interests.
Can this be called a conspiracy? Certainly US leaders planned the entire thing with malice aforethought and lied through their teeth about their reasons for intervention, so it would seem to fit the bill. It is also continues a tradition started long ago in regard to successfully getting away with a conspiracy: choose victims that nobody gives a shit about (the darker/more foreign the better), victims that do not have a voice, victims that do not have any kind of leverage. It also shows quite plainly the design of such conspiracies: to maintain the status quo as imagined by the US.
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