Sunday, May 12, 2013

Jeremy Scahill: speaking about Dirty Wars in Oakland 5/10/13

1 comment:

AGK said...

It was such an inspiration to hear about the humble beginnings of Scahill's career, begging and pleading to become a volunteer for DemocracyNow! The fact that his ideas are so far from the mainstream discourse illustrates the growing chasm between the principles we claim to be fighting to protect and our illegal and murderous actions. Construing these views as radical or even anti-american requires a feat of Orwellian doublethink. The american people have been caught in a cognitive trap and breaking free would mean accepting that they have been duped into advocating policies abhorrent to their core beliefs. The strength of character necessary for such an undertaking is far beyond the beaten-down and morally bankrupt masses who would view this act as inimical to their personal success within the society.