Sunday, May 12, 2013

Noam Chomsky: Paramount Theatre Oakland 5/8/13


AGK said...

He's got a point.
The settlement issue is the biggest thing for me. But clearly there is little interest in resolving this conflict, as it serves american interests to maintain a charade of negotiations while capitalizing on the geostrategic advantages of maintaining the status quo.

Joe said...

Sweet I'm glad you actually listened to these two talks (I have seen/read everything posted so far except the breaking the set & alt bilderburg group vid[just haven't got to them yet]) I recorded them on my phone then went through hell to stitch them together and figure out a way to post them.

AGK said...

Incredible that you recorded these yourself! I wondered if you had actually attended these talks. You are lucky to live in a city that offers such excellent content.
I give my all to engage, digest, reflect, and hopefully synthesize any and all information deemed worthy of EOI's pages. I want to challenge and be challenged to go to increasing lengths to support my positions on the issues at hand, and to grow beyond those positions where they can be shown to be unsupported. We must expand our discussions through the addition of committed contributors and commentators, thereby increasing our own commitment and productivity in this venture.
Allow me to laud your powerful acts of participation as journalist/audience member in these most significant discussions.